Under rated, immersive, great experience that lasts-- all for cheap! Forget Gamespot's rating!

User Rating: 8.4 | The Guild 2 PC
I'll try to make this brief but informative. This game allows you to micro or macro manage in a very complex world where business, politics, relationships, and even subterfuge come into play. You choose a profession and that guides your business style, while you try to woo a wife and build a family all while playing political game. Choose what interests you, there's multiple ways to win, including never playing politics! The world is all connected, the marketplace, the community, and wheeling and dealing all make you have to balance how you master this game. As for detailed playing... it has a deep learning curve where You can play this game for hours trying to best manipulate market. The AI is pretty good, the multi-player is better due to patches and I think this game is wonderful "new" style of game. Not a city builder but has parts of that, not a sim game but has parts in the relationship building, and it has economics and more. I thought the graphics and sound made the game really enjoyable, a zoomed in look isn't so sweet but you'll be zoomed out mostly and from afar the world is really well-rendered. The games take a long time to finish and you'll be surprised to find that while you're trying to profit on growing wheat, someone hires a mob to attack your farm and you die. There are experiences like that which can be very frustrating but overall you'll actually find this game rewarding and not just a sap of your time.

Hope you enjoyed this!
