I say it's good, as it can get... come on it's just that you need patience...

User Rating: 8 | The Guild 2 PC
I believe overall this game is good and maybe one of the best game of the year also, I mean come on 4 head had design something for those whom just like me, that love to do as many thing as possible all at once. You can rob someone and had one of your highly skill employees that works for you to start extortion protection money from someone else. Now that my friends is one of the best thing about this game The Guild 2, and all I can say is you need a little patience and appreciate, what 4 head has give this game such a great name. THANK YOU 4 head!!! 3 thumbs up, when is some gamers don't agree. The graphic is great, I got a good ATI radeon x1600 pro 512mb, and the game runs just fine, yes this game isn't for every other graphic cards out there, but it's still a great game for those who can worth a good graphic card. The simulation and strategy is the basic controls of ths game and this is why I purchase the product. If you love Medieval 2 total war, than this game is for you too, for me it's NOT all about how the game function but how you as the gamer is playing the game and finding the good and bad views of the game that was design for you satisfaction.