Well The Godfather Academy Award Winner Movie EA thought about making it into a classic game, should have been better.

User Rating: 9 | The Godfather PC
Well The Godfather Academy Award Winner Movie EA thought about making it into a classic game, for people who had already played Mafia Gta were hoping that EA will make it a competition but the game turned out to be just OK............................ and not like all the awards other companies and games of the same genre achieved... The Clothing in the game is the only new thing in the game different from it's kind well at-least we have to give that much credit to the game developers. So the game allows player to travel from the alleys beaten by some punks. to killing of the Mob Leaders and become the right hand of Don. Voice Acting was Superb Could be a little more addition in it. But overall the game gives you much out of it. Copy-right protection also a plus point of the game...........