Become the wildest Don.

User Rating: 8.1 | The Godfather PS2
The game is a licensed game but surprisingly not the worst one made. The game play matches that of a Grand Theft Auto game .The controls of the walking, shooting, and driving match the GTA series. Graphic wise they do mush better than I have seen in a while. Instead of really fake looking people the looks of the people are more realistic. The sounds of guns and the voice overs in my opinion are some of the better (once again) that I have seen or heard. Another thing that made this game stand out to me is that you have an in depth story about childhood tragically loses his dad up to were he becomes the Don of New York. Your story though out the game is relatively short if your good at these games most of the missions are go here shoot this, and make it here in the time limit. But fans of the Godfather and GTA should defiantly like this game.