If you like car chases and taking down your enemies with nice guns, this is the game to get

User Rating: 7.9 | The Getaway: Black Monday PS2
This is a pretty cool sequal to The Getaway, except the story in this one did'nt quite grasp my atention like in the first Getaway, basically it's about a cop called Mitch and a boxer called Eddie who also does some robberies for his coach

Story: Like I said the story did'nt seem as good as The Getaways but it's still pretty good it starts off with you being a trigger friendly cop called Mitch as he goes on an investigation around London to find out what the Collins crew have been up to then there will be Eddies story which starts off with you robbing a bank for an icon but when he tries to escape he gets captured then when a girl who assisted his on the bank robbery saved him they returned to find everyone had been killed and from then on Eddies story was mostly about revenge but as for Sam she was determined to finish the bank job

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty much exactly like the Getaways, if you want to shoot press R1, and thats all you really need to know and just lean against a wall to heal yourself up but unlike the Getaway you can only do that a few times before they decide that it's hopeless and wont heal them selves and as for Sam, she's all about stealth so her controls are mostly ducking and jumping, such as climbing on to a pipe on the roof to sneak right over your enemies seeing as Sam cant fight

Land scapes: The Land scapes are amazingly huge, it's like being in London it self unfortuantly the graphics of the buildings, roads and paths arent very good graphics and just look like they are there for the sake of it, but to be honest it doesent matter because you dont really find any need to stop the car to be bothered too mush about it

Graphics: The graphics arent too good with land scapes and surroundings but when it comes to the people in the game they are amazingly realistic, unfortuantly it doesent really make up for the bad graphics of the surroundings which is why I did'nt rate the graphics too high

Well thats all I'm going to say, if you wanna find out more your just going to have to go and play it.