Card games come to life??? Well That's just awesome!!

User Rating: 8.5 | The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion (Complete Disc) PS3
If you are a fan of turn based Collection Card games like Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic, then this is a must have game. All your dreams come true in the fact that the monsters on your cards come to life on your TV screen and actually battle it out.

The Fighting sequenses are actually quite entertaining and it really just adds that little more to the normal little card games you usually play.

I have an issue with the camera though in my house. If the lighting isn't 100% correct, you will find yourself spending a good few minutes trying to get the cam to recognize the cards. This is a little annoying, but there are ways around that. I found that adding a Desk lamp helps wonders.

At first you think that this game is going to be over in a second as the only thing you need to do is to capture 5 squares, only to realize that it's not all that simple. There are a lot of restrictions and rules that need to be followed and that adds another layer to this game that just makes it more fun and challenging.

A fantastic new idea, pulled off really well. Fantastic Sound track and graphics makes for a number one card game position in my books.