A fine addition in the series.

User Rating: 9 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC
If your like me and you love to get immersed in a game where you can explore and do whatever takes your fancy then I will start by saying this is probably the game for you. Back in march 2006 a little game known as oblivion took me by surprise and opened up a new way of gaming for me, and since then I have been RPG mad.

Skyrim is a cold harsh beautiful land filled with vicious and deadly foes who would be very happy to put you in the ground at any moment. And after a rather blunt start where I nearly had my head chopped off and my body gnawed by a dragon you soon realise its time to pick up a sword and start making your way in the world.

There are 2 factions which you are caught up with one being the Empire who are mainly imperials and after years of crisis in tamriel with the high elf's and the deadra are struggling to hold the far regions of their empire and will not give it up without a fight. And the other being the stormcloaks who are the sons of skyrim which are fighting for independence and their right to worship their god talos, which was banned after the high elf's started to influence the empire. By choosing your side you can make them the major presence in skyrim by defeating the other. However this is not the only theme of the game as the dragons have returned and fighting them has never been so fun in a game with their ability to attack at any moment your constantly on edge and I even found myself running from the more powerful ones.

Dragons and the civil war in skyrim may be the games selling point but there is so much fun to be had in the world with Bethesda new dynamic reward and quest system. This is sure to be entertaining for hours and on top of that combat has improved from previous games massively with a new magic system for the powerful wizards among us or the warriors who craft their weapons and armour before charging down some bandits. The new perk and level up system will also change your styles but I found perks are not this games strong point.

while this game is amazing it still has its flaws for example some of the guilds from previous games return but I felt that they were weak and lacked depth. And while the new random quest system is fun it can soon turn into "bring me my helmet" repetitive quests and rewards are not as important because they are random and not unique to the player. And my biggest let down of them all is the lack of effort in the civil war with both sides being similar if not exact text copy's of each over. But even with these flaws this game should not be missed by any RPG fan and will allow you to loose yourself for hours on end.