Hearthfire, a cool little addition to Skyrim.

User Rating: 7 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Hearthfire X360
Hearthfire ahhh another addition from Bethesda for The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Now at first glance it doesn't seem like much, I thought what most people did."Well whoopty doo you can build a house." Then I got thinking about it, how cool would it be to build your own big ass Keep? So I went on and bought it downloading it, and started it up.Now got it loaded up and 500 gold isn't much to buy a plot of land that you get.Now there are three different ones which you can get by becoming Thane of a few different places.Now I am not going to say right now since I can't remember all of them exactly.

So now not only is it an amazing thing to build your own house, but you can make it as big as you want or as small.Now there are some draw backs, they have three plots of lands you can buy because you have three different options for every wing.Sadly you can only build one of the three on each wing.It;s not to bad if you know what you want.Myself I have an Armory, Enchanters Tower, and Storage room.

Now there are some problems I have been having along with others, the Armory does glitch.The display cases can open and close, but you can not put anything inside of them.Also remember to remove the workbenches when you are done in a room, otherwise sometimes your house will glitch and lock up the game every time you are in your house.

Now some not so bad glitches it the cloning armor mannequins.Some of the armor mannequins will clone whatever armor you put on them, simply go in put up your prized armor, and come back.Take it off the mannequin go adventure for a bit, and comeback and PRESTO! Whole new set of the same exact armor you put on it.

Now the other part is cute, especially if you are into the full role playing aspect of the game.I am I make my character wear certain armor make sure it is a set or at least looks good together.Adopting a child can be very fun in this game, I didn't think it would be but it is.You can raise your child how you want their attitude seems to change with how you discipline or reward them.Me I went for the girl in Whiterun her story was just to sad.I wanted to find the farm her aunt kicked her out of after her parents died, and burn it to the ground, but I went for the next best thing.They will give you presents, and you can give them ones as well, and they will love you.So if you want to complete your family, build a home and have a great house pick up Hearthfire.

Thanks guys, if you read this I hope it was insightful, and informative

Yugo The Big Bad Wolf.