Skyrim. Too Easy? I think so. Please make sure upon reading my review don't argue with me because i don't comment back.

User Rating: 8 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PS3
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim was the easiest Elder Scrolls i have ever played. It made me think I got really good at playing these games and realized by playing the others that i still suck it's just Skyrim was a lot more courteous. Though i do like it that you can't mess up your game by killing your teammate on accident. I love the game, it's just really easy. The boss fight was also really easy and the story was really short, i beat the game at level 15 and i already had some of the best gear for a mage i can find. When i say that, i mean i did the archmage quests and the companions quests and looks like that's more than what i needed. I didn't even learn all the shouts yet and i am really disappointed that i never had time too. I will still be playing the game to kill the daedrics and the dragon priests, but i can't do it knowing i already beat everything and i don't know if i can meditate on the words of power anymore.