Disappointing, But OK

User Rating: 6 | The Elder Scrolls Online PC

I am a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls series, but was let down by this MMORPG (like many other people). If you like the Elder Scrolls single player games (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim), then you will enjoy the game. Plenty of quests in old lands and new. My greatest experience, was when I started the game on the island of Morrowind, and was immediately brought back to my single player Morrowind experience - the same cities, with similar layouts, I felt like I was back in the old game. Very nostalgic. However, the game loses it's feel from there on out. Combat is typical hack and slash, with a few skills and one "ultimate" skill you can use. The MMORPG elements are pretty terrible. Like the last few single player games, the enemies/monsters all level up with you. So, if you are having trouble beating an enemy, you can't level up some and return to make the fight easier. You just need to keep fighting, dying and then hope you get lucky (or try to get some other gear and return). Extremely frustrating, and in my opinion, the biggest problem in the game. Second, character classes and skills are VERY limited. You get your class skill tree, which has less than a dozen options, and then several other skill trees (i.e. for the fighters guild, race, alchemy, etc.). Once you reach level 50, the skills you need for your character are pretty much maxed out. Then, the game switches to adding skill points to modifiers (i.e. damage penetration, magic resistence, stamina replenishing). So, while I level up my assassin, my character feels less unique than other character classes (like a fighter). At this point, I've played well over a hundred hours of the game. I love the Elder Scrolls, but will be shelfing the game soon for a more in-depth MMORPG with some longevity, better combat and a more unique character feel.