what are you thinking gamespot??!! this is one of the best shooters on wii

User Rating: 8.5 | The Conduit WII
The conduit, a great FPS for wii. This game was very ambitious, it was a risky decision to make : a first person shooter on wii. The storyline was okay. You play as Michael Ford, and you are the only one that knows the truth. You play and shoot against the Drudge, alien thingos that crawl and run and scream while you aim and shoot, and the Trust, mostly consisting of humans being overpowered by this alien organisation. The storyline is just like every other alien-invasion game, only though that it is set in Washington D.C. The weapon designs are great. Featuring real-life weapons, the Trust's weapons, and of course alien weapons. The design of alien weapons are very unique. They mostly look like 'slimy, old red , body parts'. The ammo of aliens weapons is simply a red ball. The Trust's weapons look more modern and high-tech. They all seem to use an electrical shock to stun the opponent, then kill them. The controls of this game is quite unique, and it is fully customizable. You can change the controls however you like. You can also change the camera speed and the cursor sensitivity. This game is set for your personal gaming needs :D.
Another unique aspect about this game is the ASE , also known as the All Seeing Eye. Using this 'eye'tem, *lame joke* , you can detect and detonate alien bombs, and also find hidden messages encrypted into walls, open doors by finding secret keys, and find underground basements full of the epic arsenal of your weaponry. The graphics in this game are also quite good. The sound quality is an average. Sometimes the Trust is standing in front of you, waiting to be shot. Overall this game is superb.
. storyline wasn't great
. opponents waiting to be shot
. limited number of weapons

8.5 / a possible 10