Hopefully hardcore FPS fans can enjoy this.

User Rating: 5.5 | The Conduit WII
Let's get this out of the way: FPS's hardly excite me. Whenever I see one, I think to myself "this shooter looks absolutely no different than hundered's of other shooters" (Okay, I know that's not true, but it seems like that a lot of times). The only shooter I've played and liked is Star Wars: Battlefront. I hoped The Conduit would change my mind ever since Nintendo Power annonced it last year, but sadly, it didn't.

The Conduit takes place in Washington D.C. where an alien invasion takes place. Michael Ford, the protagonist of the game, is enlisted into a shadowy organization called the Trust, and is tasked with stopping the invasion. The story is generic, and also surprisingly hard to follow, with cutscenes that are only boring radio transmissions. Worse, as if the story wasn't bad enough, Sega decided to end the game with a Halo 2-esque ending. What gives? Halo did that in the second game, but this is the first game in the Conduit series (I don't know if this WILL be a series after the second game this fall) That's not all that's bad about this game.

The Conduit is just a generic shooter through and through. I'm pretty sure Goldeneye 007 on N64 is deeper than this game, because it has virtually no bosses, enemies that respawn a lot, and a very uneven difficulty. Pretty much the whole game takes place in boring tunnels, hallways and corridors. And many times you will have to destroy conduits, or egg sacks to stop the enemies from coming. The use of the item called the All-Seeing Eye is uninspired. You will use it to find hidden locks on walls or destory invisible mines to move on (you're not searching for them haphazardly, mind you. a hot/cold style radar will go off if you're near one of these). The game has good controls with lots of customization, but the mediocrity of the campaign will not hold your attention on this for long. Because of this stuff, I didn't want to play the online multiplayer too much.

At first, The Conduit looked like it would have graphics that were almost on par to the 360/PS3, but if you look closely, many things don't look so hot. It has good graphics for the most part, with highly detailed enemies. But there are also things that are blocky or blurry, like the stop signs in the streets, that look like they were ripped from some last gen game. The sound is decent though, with a great sounding theme and some good voice-actors.

If you're wondering whether you want to buy this game, let me just say that The Conduit is repetitive, generic, often times frustrating, and not much fun. This is so NOT the Wii's version of Halo at all. Spend your money on something else (like possibly the upcoming Conduit 2 if it's any good).