Um, what the hell gamespot? Not too bad at all!

User Rating: 8.5 | The Conduit WII
Now before we get started, id just like to say, I had zero hype for this game, and i found it used for $20, and what i found was a solid shooter on wii. First off lets talk about the controls. Although im more acustomed to the dual- analog sticks, these controls are smooth as butter and work great. I was able to rack up head shots within minutes. The best part though, they are completley customizable! Next the presentation. I thought the story was ok but really generic. The voice acting wasn't bad but lacked emotion. THe graphics are stunning, the absolute best on wii, although they lack art style the game makes up for it with incredible lighting and textures. last but not least the sound effects. The sound effects are great explosions, weapon fire and other effects sound great.

And o course i should talk about the multiplayer. While I would much rather play Modern Warfare on wii, The Conduit sticks out because of the unique sci-fi twist. Capture the flag is capture the ASE (All-Seeing Eye), and you can play as aliens which is pretty damn cool.

all in all, the conduit lacks originality, but makes up for it with amazing controls and stunning graphics.