Fun and entertaining shooter based on a premise that'll probably leave you wanting more depth. Great for parties.

User Rating: 8 | The Club X360
The Club is Bizarre Entertainment's first foray into the shooting genre, and it's a worthwhile one.

The premise of the gameplay is as follows: you are a member of "The Club", a secretive organization revolving around death match betting. You must compete against other members to attain a high score, and to stay alive. The gameplay is very run and gun, which is exactly what the dev was aiming for. The missions fit the game excellently, with time trials, hold outs and speed runs. The controls are very good, with options such a sprint a welcome addition to your arsenal. However, your characters movement can seem restricted at times, especially in tight spaces such as corridors.

The graphics are good, but not the best in the genre. The game conveys the shady settings of The Club's favored arenas well, and creates a good atmosphere while you're running through the back-canals of Venice or duking it out in the tight corridors of an abandoned prison. The character models are good, and the textures are overall well implemented.

The sound is another high point in this game, with the gun effects sounding meaty and realistic, and the soundtrack fitting the game's arcade fell and aesthetic.

This is the kind of game you'll really enjoy if you've got a couple of mates over, or if you have Xbox Live, but as for single player value, I would recommend a rental. Nonetheless, a very good game and hopefully a stepping stone to a fantastic sequel.