The Club IS entertaining...the only question is, how long will it last?

User Rating: 6 | The Club PC
After a year i decided to finally get the game and review it myself, i was kind of surprised by how short it was. I actually finished the game in 3 hours on reckless difficulty.There are 8 characters total with the statistics of
Strength: How strong your melee attack is
Speed: How fast you can run
Stamina: How much damage you can take
Although i did like the statistics for every character to be different , you wont really notice a big difference once you play except for speed which is noticeable.

The story : so you play one of the 6 characters ( 2 locked) who have all different statistics and different back stories and looks but they all share one thing in common, they play the same way. there isnt much to say about them. The intro doesnt tell you much and the endings wont help either. It feels like sega wanted to create the stereotypes just for the looks, they do look great but there is no substance so you wont feel any different when you play with another character.

The graphics 8/10 : are quite good, the characters look detailed and different but the environment looks grey and brown but i guess that fits a blood sport.

The A.I. 6/10 : Is not great, the enemies will run to you with no self preservation in mind. They will duck or cover sometimes when they see you coming or dodge when you shoot a rocket or throw a grenade but thats all there is to it.

The sound 6/10 : was kinda shallow, there wasnt much variety in the music. I dont think you can call it music because all i heard was beats and drums.

The gameplay 7/10 : was fun and chaotic , but playing the same on each level kinda narrowed down on the score for the gameplay.

The multiplayer 3/10 : I guess adding the multiplayer was a good idea on paper, but since no one plays its useless.

The replayabiliy 5/10 :After you finish the single player there isnt much to it, the endings are short and un-rewarding and all there is to keep playing is to max your score on every level with every character on every difficulty.

Conclusion : The Club is a fun game with decent graphics that does entertain but the short singeplayer and none existent multiplayer are some of the shortcomings , not to mention that you do the same things in the same order every level.

I give The Club 6/10