The Club was hyped up effectively, with cool videos and cool characters. Unfortunately it doesn't live up to any of it.

User Rating: 4.5 | The Club PS3
Gameplay: 4/10
The Club was decieving. Before purchasing the game I had the idea it was a Deathmatch shooter like Unreal Tournament, with varying shooters of varying skill levels all duking it out in an area style battlefield. I was VERY wrong. The Club is an arcade shooter that offers some cheap thrills. Each map makes you run a set circuit (like a racing game) around the map, taking out generic enemies, scoring points for how quickly, and with how much style you take out your enemies. This circuit style shooter (is that even a genre?) is quickly put aside for something more entertaining. All maps end up feeling very much the same as the tasks you are completeing on them is essentially the same. The guns are uninteresting, the tasks are boring; and even the characters (who seem so COOL in the videos) get mediocre very very quickly.

One thing I cannot comment to is the online play as I never had a chance to experience the online play. No one is online anymore to play it so the online play is essentially obsolete.

Sound: 5/10
Nothing amazing about the sound in this game, but nothing terrible either. The music and sound effects did nothing to enhance the game and when a game is this uninteresting, good sound-effects could have made all the difference. Sub-par to average at best.

Graphics: 3/10
This shooter exhibits graphics seen on the later PS2 games released. It most definetally does NOT take advantage of the PS3's amazing graphics engine. Characters look blocky and uncoordinated, colors and very standard and levels look very blocky. Since you are running circuits around levels killing generic enemies, the enemies all end up looking identical as there is about 10 enemies present in the whole game. Very sub-par for a game released on the playstation 3, esspecially with preview videos with great graphics to show.

Value: 3/10
This is being generous as I would not replay this game. I barely made it through 3 maps and that was a struggle in itself. The only value I found was I purchased the game for $10.00 so I feel like I didn't lose much in the purchase.

Tilt: 4/10
As for my own enjoyment of the game, it is fun for about the first half an hour until you realize you are repeating the same motion and essentially the same tasks in the same manner over and over again. Save $10.00 and wait till a great game reduces in price.

Overall: 4.5/10