This is Damonkeyattack With Another Game Review For the Snes Game : Advenures of Batman & Robin ...

User Rating: 7.5 | The Adventures of Batman & Robin SNES
This is Damonkeyattack With Another Game Review For the Snes Game : Advenures of Batman & Robin . i have try out the game for myslef and I have to save its Not bad Game if they would put More suff like Contiune Area where you die you should be were you was at.

The Control is very Easy so it make it easy for anyone who play it. The Begin In the intro has the Intro of the Batman theme which make it just like the Movie show version which is a great idea. The game is very Fun but the only problem i have is when you die you have to start back the area you enter in this game.

The Most thing i didn't like is when you Die you have to Restart at the very begin of the stage which is a Pain in the neck. I have to say its a good game. if they would fix the game before they release with a saving point or continued of the game then it would be better. I say Put this in your collection Batman Fans.