Hugely underrated and absolutely amazing for the era.

User Rating: 9.6 | The Adventures of Batman & Robin SNES
The mid-1990s saw the classic Nintendo and Sega systems outpowered by the new Super Nintendo and Genesis systems, but the machines were still relatively simplistic in that gameplay was key, only now the graphic power was above and beyond what had been possible before. It was during this era that games based on licensed properties, be they movies, television and whatnot, still got churned out quite regularly, and most were below mediocre, furthering the 'bad movie game' stigma known today.

Konami managed to use the new console power and classic gameplay style to make a beautiful game based on probably the best animated series of the decade: The Adventures of Batman & Robin. Formerly known as Batman: The Animated Series, the cartoon simple changed the way American cartoons were made and perceived, was mature beyond its trappings, and achieved near legendary status. Of course games are going to be made from it.

What is so amazing about this game is the animation. Traditionally games with simplistic screens like wrestling titles and the like furthered graphics thanks to the limited area (just a ring) that allowed for more work to be done on the characters themselves. Konami however was able to make a sprawling action adventure game that looked like it was ripped straight out of the animation cels of the show. Batman moved with amazing, even just standing and ducking was a sight to see thanks to the cape fluttering about. These sorts of details are taken for granted with today's 3D modelling and powerhouse processors, but in 1994 this was done with frame-by-frame animation and was simply beautiful.

The controls were perfect, with a simple moment early in the game having Batman need to jump from a low area to a higher box mere moments before one crushes down onto him. The reaction time was spot-on, but the fluidity of the animation made it seem like a scripted moment instead of one you just controlled. It was groundbreaking for something of this level on the Super Nintendo.

Equally amazing was the music, though honestly, maybe even moreso. New themes pulsating with the action, including an astonishing score during the blimp chase level, all felt perfectly in tune with the original material. This was epic stuff.

Easily one of the best SNES games ever made, bar none, this is an absolute must play for any Batman fan, action game fan, or really anyone out there to see what the pinnacle of 90s gaming could be.