This game is defiently the best Batman game ever made.

User Rating: 8.7 | The Adventures of Batman & Robin SNES
Gameplay 10: I think this is the kind of classic gameplay that some action games nowadays can not come close to. I loved fighting all the guys, and throwing Batarangs at them. Also the levels were all suprisingly long and fairly challenging. The gameplay could be better with some levels where you drive, but I did not think this was enough from stopping giving the gameplay a 10.
Graphics 7: This game has some of the best action gameplay ever, but the graphics weren't so great, even for their time.
Sound 9: The music and sound affects in this game were all fantastic. The sound made the game a lot more entertaing.
Value 7: Even though this game is fairly challenging, it doesn't take any more then 5 or 6 hours to play through making it have lesser value of buying it.
Overall 8.7/10 This game is certaitnly the best Batman game of all time. The gameplay is outstanding, and the sound is fantastic, yet it is a fairly short game, that shouldn't stop anyone that likes Batman from not liking this game a lot.