A new variant on Tetris. Some new colors and scenery add variety to the plot.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tetris Splash X360
It's still a flying jigsaw puzzle, if you're wondering: nobody gets killed, and there are no robots or aliens. You'll have to go elsewhere for a blood fest. Despite the simplicity of the concept, I still think Tetris will find a better home with adult players than kids: there's just something about getting a kid to focus that doesn't lend itself to the proceedings here. There's nothing flashy, except for the fish tank aspect, and the game demands a greater attention span as you play, which inveighs against this title becoming popular with the noisy toddler set. So if you want a clever puzzle for your brain as well as your reflexes, try this one. I wish they had included the dancing Russian guy. That would have made it perfect. You can't have everything, so cue up this title for some old-fashioned fun.