Please do NOT! buy this game.

User Rating: 4 | Terminator Salvation X360
Terminator Salvation is another rushed movie tie in. The game is only 4-5 hours long at full retail price and with no multiplayer just makes it a waste of money.


Story- I expect a movie game to be at least slightly about the movie but no.
The game takes place in the year 2016 two years before the movie
so basically some guys go missing and you go find them thats it.

ENEMIES- There are 5 enemies in total, wasps, spiders, T-600, Hunter Killers
and these motorcycle terminators but most of the time it's the

FRIENDLY AI- A lot of the enemies require you to flank them so when you do,
most of the time they face you so you just sit there waiting for
your teammates to shoot the back of them.

REPETITIVE- Shoot some terminators, move up a bit, shoot some more
terminators and repeat.

LENGTH- Like i said 4-5 hours and no multiplayer.

NO CHRISTIAN BALE- The guy who plays John Connor in the movie did not
lend his voice or appearance for the game character
and i think i know why.


GOOD COVER SYSTEM- A bit like gears of war
ACHIEVEMENTS - Beat the game on hard and you have 1000gs
MUSIC- You cant beat the terminator theme


The game has been rushed to meet the release of the film and is not worth your hard earned cash but it's worth a rental if you are a fan of the terminator or just like easy achievements.