An easy 1K in GS points is all this game has to offer.

User Rating: 4 | Terminator Salvation X360
Ever since Avatar I thought I would never find a game so incredibly easy to acquire 1K in achievement poitns. Boy, I was wrong. While Terminator certainly took longer to acquire the points, it was by no means any more difficult. The game was so uninspiring that I actually wish I hadn't wasted the time on it. I probably wouldn't have if not for the desire to acquire 10K before my year's anniversary (noted in my blog).

On to the review...

Overall: 4
User criticism calls this game a rental at best and for good reason. With five hours of gameplay, no online, and no replay value this game is not a good investment for your hard earned $59.99.

Presentation: 4
The game's audio and video aren't the greatest quality I've ever seen but they also aren't the worst. The enemy animations are clunky and some of the explosions are cheesy but for the most part this game delivers on the visual front. The one significant downside is that if you die you often subjected to a terrible loading screen followed by an unskippable cut scene. Mediocre at best.

Gameplay: 6
Likely the best portion of the game, the gameplay is well done. Movement involving cover is easy to use, blind firing is intuitive, switching weapons and picking up new weapons is easy and throwing explosives is easy even though you're not given any type of aiming system for them. There are some irritating issues such as the inability to pick up items while behind cover. I had difficulty judging distance and would often short toss my explosives, as well.

Moving through cover is probably the best portion of the game. Not only does it have Gears of War-style cover where you slide into it and hunker down but you can choose what specific block of cover you want to use with a quick heads-up display. The game will give you a short tutorial so that you understand what to do and then you're set loose. All in all, the gameplay is the only redeeming quality of an otherwise bad game.

Replayability: 2
With three difficulty levels (easy, medium, hard), no online options, and offline co-op the only way this five hour game is ever going to see the light of day more than once is if you and your friend want to see how quickly you can clear the game. Playing it on hard earned all 1000 achievement points and the game is so strictly linear that there's no reason to ever revisit this title.

Story: N/A
It was clear from opening cut scene that the story of this game would be subpar. That sad truth was confirmed when a search revealed really no plot discussion about the game. Save the day, destroy some robots, and gather some intel along the way. Having skipped the cut scenes I can't give a fair score so I'll mark this section as N/A.

Multiplayer: N/A
While there is split screen co-op, I didn't get a chance to experience it and I never will. No online options at all. Multiplayer is essentially non-existent.