The campaign is way too short but rather fun.

User Rating: 6.5 | Terminator Salvation X360
Terminator Salvation is an under rated movie and deserves more appreciation that's my thoughts on this game also. I had fun playing through the campaign from beginning to end but it's TOO SHORT!. I recommend you play the game in co-op it's alot of fun and requires good team work. Explosives such as the RPG rocket launcher & Grenades were great to use on Terminators & other ground Robots, Flying Sky Net Robots were fun to kill as well. The gameplay graphics were good but the cutscene graphics were bad looking. This game is very good for gamers who want to gain more game score, rent this game due to it's short length of campaign or buy it cheap. The storyline:It's the early stages of the war between man and machines. And the savior John Conner is doing everything he can to make sure man survives. He thinks he's found a way to ensure that, and he also learns that the machines have targeted the man who's suppose to father him, Kyle Reese, so he tries to find him. One of Conner's soldiers meets a man named Marcus Wright who has no knowledge of Judgment Day. When they reach the base they discover Wright is part machine and suspect that he was sent by Skynet but Wright claims that's not true. "I will be back!"