A new genre of MMO. Makes all other MMOs obsolete. Best of all Takes True skill to master. Take aim Take action n enjoy.

User Rating: 9.5 | TERA PC
TERA is a new breed of MMO which has true action combat which means that u actually have to control ur attacks and movement to define the outcome of ur battle. It isn't like rest of the boring MMOs in which u click n wait for the battle to be over, in TERA the player aims like a third-person shooter and executes the spells and abilities. No dosing off or playing with one hand, in pvp or pve the player has to be at their best to win!
The game is how it has been described by its developers and doesn't lack vigor like most games do after being advertised beautifully. TERA has through out its entire production n testing made changes according to the fan's reviews. I personally tested the game in closed beta and every time I came across a problem or thought that an aspect can be improved, the developers made it happen with a smile.
Now into the workings of the game, it has unreal 3 engine making the game gorgeous and full of life. The world is huge and just exploring its vast content gives the players a feeling of being lost in the beauty of the game. The game mechanics r amazing n NEW to the MMO genre, giving this game the edge over all of its competitors. Its a mixture of an action RPG and an MMO. TERA also has a unique feature called the "Political system". This system lets a guild Rule over a continent, making the guild leader the "the Ruler" of the area. They have many abilities like reducing the taxes of general vendors or raising them to make a profit for them selves, leaders can also assign battles for rewards, quests for large groups to pursue and many other features that are still left for us to explore and enjoy.
In a nutshell TERA is an innovative new game with excellent and active developers that keep adding more n more content for the player to explore and be struck by shack and awe. I believe that the PvP system in TERA is the most amazing is any. Since there is true action combat, players have to rely on skill the most to excel, rather than gear and items to provide the edge. I truly believe this game has set a new bar, shattering the old boring one and giving the exiting MMOs to chase after. This game deserves the recognition and praise that has been put upon it.