Just different enough.

User Rating: 8 | TERA PC
Tera is surprisingly fun to play.

Ignoring the lack luster quest grind the combat system actually makes this game worth while. Targeting will take a little while to get used to as well as being slightly different depending on what class/race combo you chose but it adds some depth to an otherwise bland concept. I feel that this is the most attractive part of the game and honestly it does over shadow the one major hiccup: leveling.

Leveling through the game is as much (if not more) of a grind as most other games of the MMO genre. In this case the pure repetition of each type of quest ways very heavy on you after a relatively short while. You'll need to kill and endless number of mobs for the same reasons you've been doing it for years already. You have to take into account that this game is very young and it's still possible to change/add objectives. If you survive the grind your prize will be worth it.

Assuming you've manage to live through the snooze fest that can be leveling/grinding you get to experience dungeons/raids/nexus. Note that dungeons can also be accessed while you gain levels but the end game ones are where it's at (as you'd probably anticipate). Dungeon designs are good, bosses are challenging and it'd just plain fun on top of it.

All in all its a mostly enjoyable experience and hopefully it only gets better as more content is released!