Game is based on classic game play just 3D graphics

User Rating: 6.5 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled X360
TMNT Re-shelled is a game that is fun for children 12 and under. Although myself am 18, I found that the game was fun but just too damn repetitive. The game is simple itself, there are 2 attack buttons and a jump button, that's it. The only difference is is that the Turtle you choose has different stats such as range, speed, etc. This doesn't really change the game play at all and I found myself at times wishing for a little more challenge and attack combos. Game play only lasts about a good hour and 15 minutes which was disappointing since i payed about $10 for it. Boss fights are easy just dodge and attack basically. Difficulty levels were a disappointment as well for all they do is add more enemies to the level. All in all the only real thing this game is good for is the multiplayer. Co-op in the game is highly recommend since its more fun to play with friends then by yourself.

All in all the game is average 6.5, if you love TMNT, then this is the game for you, as for me I won't touch this game again unless my friends wanna play, for now I'll let my little sister play it.