If you've any fond memories of TMNT 4 for SNES or arcade DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME! Ubisoft has shamed Konami's masterpiece.

User Rating: 4 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled X360

Presentation is everything and the once arcade beauty now looks like a console thrown together game that is not finished. The memorable music such as Neon Night Rider is replaced by forgettable non inspiring tracks. It seems like a lot of small things are missing that makes up for the overall lackluster game.

To give this game some credit they did to at least try to give the turtles some type of individuality with the variation of stats but the there is no significant difference between the four. This maybe one of the few 3-D side scroller beat'em- up since Rumble Fish (Arcade) and Dynamite Cop (Saturn), so if you are a fan of the genre picking are slim. The only way I can enjoy this is with 4 player and good luck finding them online a month after this game comes out because replay value is extremely low. Since Ubisoft still has exclusive right to the TMNT the will surely profit off of this game the same as other with movie or TV license.

Save yourself the money and DON'T BUY THIS GAME.