TMNT Re shelled review

User Rating: 5 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled X360
At first this game is fun,but it quickly gets boring. It's repetitive and not that hard.The enemies hardly change,almost the whole way through you'll find yourself fighting the same guys.Not cool.Some of the guys are invincible at times also. Boss battles are boring and annoying.Boss battles can be frustrating,they are hard to beat sometimes and glitches don't help in beating them. Get the trial game before getting the game.It can also be glitchy at times.Kids might like the game though,from ages 5-10.And also if your a TMNT fan I would try it,but otherwise it would be a good idea to stay away.I wish they would have spent more time on it.I didn't even play this game long enough to getachievements for it,even if I don't like the game I usually try for a few of the achievements,but not on this game.I don't recomend it. My score:5 out of 10.