TUrtles Unshelled, is more like it...

User Rating: 5.5 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled X360
I'm not the biggest fan of TMNT, but I love beat-'em ups, and I really love the old school aspect the game has to offer here, but other than that, what we have is a broken re-creation of a game that feels as dated as its shelled heros. No doubt, I love that they took the classic game and gave it a new face, but I wonder if that energy would have been better spent on a remake of, say, Streets of Rage 2? I also feel that maybe the turtles just can't seem to find a place in our hearts or pop-culture anymore, not like nostalgic themes like Marvel superherores or the Transformers have (and I'm not with the latter). I got this game becasue I thought it would take a great game and enhance it. Sadly, the visuals were the only enhancements this game saw. This gives me hope that maybe one day they will redo the SoR series like this, but until then, I'm sticking with Fighting Force on the PSX over this. Sorry, Corey Feldman. No one really likes the turtles anymore...