Not what I'd call a true remake

User Rating: 5.5 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled PS3
Turtles in Time was one of my favorite games as a kid. My best friend and I would always play it on his SNES over at his house when I would stay over. I was ecstatic when I found out that they were doing a remake as a DLC game. Unfortunately, this game did more harm than good as far as being a true remake. Some levels were omitted, some bosses changed around, and overall a much weaker experience.

GAMEPLAY - Like the original, this game is strictly a beat 'em-up game. However, the bad guys in this game have improved AI, which is a plus, but gone are the Technodrome levels following the Sewer Surfing level. Not only that, but the boss from the Prehistoric Era level was changed from Slash to "Cement Man." The Rat King, Bebop, and Rocksteady are nowhere to be found at all! These are minor complaints of a bigger picture, but nonetheless this is more of a lite version than a remake of the classic SNES game. - 5.5/10

STORY - The story remains the same in that you go after Shredder, but get caught in a journey through different time periods. Nothing special by today's standards, but it was pretty awesome back in the day. I'll give them props for not changing around the story. - 8/10

GRAPHICS - The graphics on this game do look pretty nice, especially for a PSN game. If nothing else, this is what you buy this game for. Turtles in Time has never looked better. - 8.5/10

SOUND - I'm very happy that they kept a lot of the same dialogue, but changed the voices around. This was a good decision on their part, and makes the parts still in the game more enjoyable to the long-time fan. The music is a little weird and remixed, however, so it loses some points there. - 7.5/10

LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - Like the original, this is a fun game you can sit around playing with your friends and kill about an hour while doing. This just wasn't as long as the original, which is lame considering what they omitted here. The whole experience just feels tarnished, and thus there isn't as much replay value for me, personally. I have to say I'm disappointed with the people who were involved in this so-called remake. - 4/10

BOTTOM LINE - As a long-time fan of the original game, I just can't give my seal of approval here. This is a nice way to relive those memories, but it's so watered-down that you might as well look for the original somewhere else. This was a very disappointing remake for me across the board. - 5.5/10