Wouldn't have been too terrible if it wasn't such an uninspired remake of a fan classic.

User Rating: 5.5 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled PS3
This game was $5 (or around $5) on PSN and, as a long time Turtle fan, I figured I'd pick it up. I remember playing the original when I was younger but it wasn't something I'd go out of my way to replay. Of course the price tag had me curious so I decided to give it a whirl.
You can always tell when a development company has little interest in making a product other than for profit. New developers, excited to put their creation out to the world, usually put out the best work. However, making games from popular franchises that weren't originally games are often plagued with uninspired gameplay and production value.
That's one of the problems with TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled. While the game is nostalgic for a good 10 minutes or so, it becomes tirelessly redundant and boring. The graphics are alright to look at, and the combat isn't a complete failure. But the fun level of the original game just isn't there.
This might be in part to licensing Ubisoft no longer could obtain. Some elements, such as the iconic theme song, are missing and it feels lifeless. Various bosses and enemies are changed and the list goes on.
What's sad really is that the game probably would have been much better if it wasn't a remake. Not that the original had some amazing storyline or incredibly original dialog, but more so because they had to change things that made it feel less like a remake. If it wasn't for the title, I probably wouldn't have noticed. If they creators had a little more creativity options and made something new, it probably would have been much, much better. Instead we're left with an uninspired, repetitive, short lived remake to a much beloved classic. Not saying it isn't fun at times, because it is, but it could have been much more enjoyable.