like everyone says, a blast of nostalgia and for the fans, short and sweet i would say !

User Rating: 7.5 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled X360
just played this through and being an old zx spectrum player i remember this game pretty well, i was a fan then and i'm still a fan now, the game is well easy mind you, i went through it in like about half an hour, it's a bit of mindless button bashing if you're wanting time out from some more serious gaming, a old school game with flashy new graphics and some nice touches like throwing an enemy towards the screen and the speeding train level is pretty cool, all in all it's a pretty good game, way too short and easy but if you're an old school gamer then this will bring back a few memories of loading up the tape deck and waiting 5 minutes for it to load, it's available now for just 400 points which is half what it should normally be so if you're gonna get it, get it now like i did, it's another easy 200 gamer points if nothing else, that's not why you should buy it though, buy because you had the original !