It's only for the fans

User Rating: 6 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled X360
ahhhhh, Turtles in Time, I remember playing this in the arcade with my older Brother like it was just yesterday. I was Michelangelo and my brother was Raphael, the two of us were kicking some shell, and My brother died, and I defeated the Shredder on my own. Good times, good times. Now that Turtles is time is on the X-Box live arcade, and you think it a dream made in heaven. The classic Beat'em up on X-Box live with new graphic's and online play, what could go wrong? Well, adding nothing else, that would be the big problem.

This game is obviously made for the fans of the old game, and that's it. If your looking for a Beat'em up, then go and get something like Castle Crashers, which I think is much better. Turtles in time's problem is that it's old design just doesn't hold up today. It just that a lot, and I mean A LOT of beat'em ups have come and pass, Like Veiwtiful Joe with it's gameplay element to slow down and speed up attacks, or Castle Crashers, which has the classic arcade style with mini-games, and a cool cartoon style to it. Turtles in Time has 3 modes, story mode, online mode, and survival mode. They're standerd things you've seen in beat'em ups on X-Box Live games. while these modes can be fun, they're just nothing we haven't seen in other Beat'em ups.

Gameplay is just like you remember..... for better or for worse. Turtles in time has that same classic beat'em up action we know and love, just don't expect anything new. It's still fun beating the living hell out of foot soldiers, but nothing new has been added. You don't have the boss lay outs like on the Super NES version, or any new things at all. Also the game can be beat'en in a hour or so. Now I know I sound like I'm nit picking, but the fact is that games have come along way since the arcade, and I still love Turtles in time, but Re-Shell is just a shallow re-make.

Yeah, the upgraded graphics are nice, It's still fun to play with friends, and the in game voice work is nice, but an out dated design and nothing new makes you feel disappointing . If your a Turtle fan or a fan old school beat'em ups like me, it's passable, but if your expecting some thing new or a fan of new beat'em ups, It's not worth your time. Just go and play it on the arcade.