The Team that Slays Together, Stays Together.

User Rating: 9 | Team Fortress 2 PC
yeah... we've been waiting for this game for years. big fan of the original and this sequel doesn't disappoint. it's actually a vast improvement over the original in graphics and gameplay.

it's a simple enough game. learning curve is relatively low. anyone could pick up this game and start messing around with it to have a good time. the difficulty of the actual battles depends on the opposition. some are fresh out of the box troopers... others are battle harden veterans with a mean streak and no mercy or patience. thankfully most are somewhere in between, going along to get along.

big fan of the spy class. little frustrating... the developers put in plenty of disincentives to keep that class from being the best. invisibility isn't instantaneous, disguises aren't instantaneous, cloak is pretty short, opponents will find you by bumping into you, no friendly fire so they can spy check without harm. yeah...

sniper is a popular class. it's easy, but typically not all that useful to completing objectives.

scout is fun. pyro is fun. soldier is fun.

demoman is tricky, but if done well it's the cheapest class to pick up kills. there's a glitch in 2fort that'll let the demoman stickyjump way up on an invisible ledge above the battlements... they should probably fix that.

engineer is one of the most vital classes, but one of the most boring. sit around, build, repair, build, repair, build, repair. heavy is pretty tough too... big target, hard to get any momentum without a medic.

medic is one of the least popular classes, but it's useful. it's got a mean reach with that bonesaw though. haven't had a chance to play recently to get a first hand on the new gun or something the medic is suppose to get. ugh.

capture point sucks. think that cart moving map is going to suck too. capture the flag is the only mode worth playing... and 2fort is really the best map for that.

this game is a lot like counter strike in that it's a fantastic game, simplistic, no real strings attached, plenty of replayablity, but yeah... ultimately limited in depth and scope.

no single player... but... yeah... it wouldn't have mattered.

a VIP game mode would have been fun, like from the original... possibly in a later installment. there isn't much to say to encourage someone that doesn't like shooters to play... it's a shooter, pure and simple, with no appy polly logies.

so yeah... if you see us around, say hi. we will only play 2fort so we're not that hard to find. once we free up some time we'll definitely be playing.

wait... we've clocked something like at least two weeks worth of game time. that's... unsettling. there's a stat sheet that shows how long with each class. ugh... that's... sad...

we're wasting our life. =(