I never thought I would like another tales game as much as Symphonia. How wrong I was. This one is awesome.

User Rating: 10 | Tales of Vesperia X360
The Characters are brilliant particularly Flynn & Yuri with their rocky relationship of being on opposite sides of the law and Raven whos just so idiotic that its funny. The plot is also quite interesting, with twist's and turns here and there, and with plenty of side quest's added in, completing them is really fun and gets you more into the story of the characters. The Anime cutscenes that appear occasionally in the game add even more to the games depth. The costume's that you can chose to collect add a different angle to the game, while they serve no actual purpose, its fun to collect them, just to see serious conversations while wearing an outrageous outfit.
Plus some of the skits are really funny, which add to the games charm. I really love this game, possibly a little bit more than Symphonia, and I really, really, really liked symphonia xD I think I replayed it around 4 (maybe 5) times.
I highly reccomend this game to all RPG and Anime fans. Its really addictive.