6 is harsh. I've spent hours on this game already and I'm coming back for more.

User Rating: 8 | Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology PSP
Maybe I did like Tales of Phantasia. So what? They took the game play from the other tales games and changed it so that you don't have a random encounter every two steps and can manouver so much better in the combat arena (3D vs. 2D is a no-brainer).

Add mission-based storyline with a seemingly infinite amount of siide-quest and you have an acceptable accessable portable game.

I'm no graphics slu t, so I couldn't give a hoot. Gameplay is all I need and if you don't like the storyline, Gamespot, I suggest you ignore it. Even OK storylines need to be ignored once in a while. And I happen to like the jokes. So there.

Worth a try, underrated. It depends on how much time you want to waste....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... This thing EATS time.