And this game makes the 300 Euro I spent to buy my PSP worth a bit more..

User Rating: 9 | Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology PSP
Ok lets see.. The first thing I thought was "Radiata Stories". To me no matter how I see it this games looks like a game like radiata stories that has characters and attacks from Tales series. The beginning of the game is kind of slow and made me get bored and if there was not this mix of Radiata Stories with tales I would have gave up on it too. Recently I do not have much patience with RPG games and thats probably cause I have played tons of them since PSOne and I am getting a bit tired (I have played about 6 RPGs on PS2 and 2 on PSP up to the middle and gave up on them with the thought I will continue later).

The game got me addicted as soon as I got the option to form a team. Up to that point I was going solo in dungeons just doing some boring missions that all looked alike. I was about to give up or actually gave up on it and I played again when I realized that I did not have something better to play. Again it was boring making missions so I decided that since I might as well gave up on the game I would continue on the main quest and see whats happening. Thankfully after fulfilling a certain part of the main quest the ability to add more players in the party became available and that was what made me stick to it for a bit more. Soon after you get the chance to recruit Tales characters to fight alongside and that another plus and I can say a big plus. With 4 characters in the team the fights became less and less boring and along with the cool attacks Tales series offers the fights became even less boring.

The story of this game is kind of weak but all the options you get, like refining weapons, making food, fulfilling requests, so many different kinds of armor and weapons, ability to change jobs and etc covers (at least for me) the lack of a good story. In short, the gameplay of the game is pretty good and if it had a better story, and maybe the ability to walk around the cities and not just choose where to go, it would get a perfect gameplay rating from me.

Now for the graphics. I am totally amazed not only from the great graphics it has but also from the great framerate. I remember whenI played Blade Dancer I was happy I saw such a cool 3D RPG on PSP but soon after I saw it had terrible framerate and was slowing down in a lot of places. In Tales of the world I saw slowdowns in rare places and only for a second or something. So many different armor and weapons beautifully made and well made enemies. There are some places where graphics blink and has some imperfections but the great graphics and good framerate left me with open mouth not believing it so yes I give to the Graphics a perfect score for going over my expectations that I had for this game. Oh another thing before I go to the sound, the opening video was very very good and I want to add another plus for that too.

I am not very knowledgeable with music and I do not know how others rate it but I rate it depending how good it sounds in my ear. It has pretty good music and the voices are very good. Many people do not like english voice overs and I can;t understand why. I know that they lack the power and flame japanese have but still they are not that bad, actually they are pretty good. The only reason that I did not gave it a perfect score was that some music themes in dungeons are a bit "blue" and "creepy" and makes me feel a bit weird but I guess in a dungeon thats the right music. Also I give it another Plus cause you can unlock music and then play them through the options.

I don't have much to say for the value of the game since from what I said up to now its obvious that this game worths every gald I gave to buy it and it worths to give that much money to all these people that took part in the creation of this game.

I am very much addicted at the moment with this game and its almost the perfect game for me. I will not give it a perfect score cause it lacks good story. I suggest it to every RPG player that doesn't mind playing a game that it has an 90% quests and only 10% story. Ofcourse you could always avoid doing any sidequests which is the biggest part of the game but keep in mind that each time you finish a sidequest the exp rate raises and that means the enemies will give you more experience than they would. Finally a great game and good enough to make me dig out my PSP and feel that the 300 Euro I gave for it worth a bit more. Have a good time playing it ^^