I got two words..

User Rating: 9.2 | Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology PSP
Freaking Perfect. Theres is no other way to describe what i personal label out as the best damn game for this portable system. By not picking up this game your doing yourself a HUGE injustice. SO if you cant afford it ladies and gents go get some trade and head to your local gaming store dont wait, dont ask questions just do it. Flaws in the game are few and are easily overlooked. Its about damn time some one got their head straight and made a real RPG for the system. Always count on the Tales series to never let a true fan down. Is this biased? Yes to a limit but even with that being said no will tell you different this is a great game, great skill based combat and a well constructed system between character relation, and not to mention a strong cast of great characters. my only complaint? the soundtracks so so. But...who cares bout that right?

This game will remind you why you blew 159.99 on a psp. Enjoy.