One of the best Non-SquareSoft/ Square-Enix RPGs ever made.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
Next to the the FF series, I never thought a non-FF RPG would come out even worth playing. FF is just too good. Once I happened to roll upon Tales of Symphonia when my friend, Sephiroth5102 brought it over once I thought, "Cool, but I'd still just rather just play FF games!", but once he brought over ToA, it was another story. It looked basically the same, plays basically the same, and has many of the same configs., but is just so much more fun. Guy, Jade and Tear compared to Genis... I'll take ToA.

For the serious review...
Gameplay: The main char. is Luke, who is at first a very stuck-up jerk, but eventually becomes very likeable (I know, I also thought, "God, KILL!!!" at one point). The battles are played in 3D, but at first you can only move in 2D, back and forth towards your locked-on enemy. You have a three-hit combo, and techs., and some chars. have magic. You can learn more techs. and magic as you level-up and such, and one of them is called "Free Move" which gives you the ability to hold L2 and move in 3D, although you can't attack until you let go. You can customize the controls, and this allows for more freedom and easier and more fun gameplay. It's difficult to put the battles into words, but they're easy to learn in-person.
Graphics: The graphics are, at first glance, not so good, but they definitely are once the game gets up and goes. The battle graphics are also, although not being much different from the map graphics, much better. There are also a couple of anime cut scenes/ cinemas that are very nice.
Audio: The audio is not very great, but also not very bad. It suits the areas design nicely, and compliment on it greatly.
Value: High, most people like this game :).
My Tilt: Very high. This game is so much fun. I highly suggest at least renting it.