One of the great tales series...

User Rating: 8.5 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
Tales of abyss is a good game that namco has made.

What makes tales of abyss interesting and worth to play?
>The battle of course.
The battle system is kinda old, but namco makes it beautiful because the battle effect.The effect is colorful so it's make the battle more interesting.

The other reason is the story line, game length, and Animation

>The story isn't so complicated like Final fantasy series, but still good.
Begin with luke and asch to the mission to save the world from destruction.

>The Game length is fair enough.
It's about 30 - 50 hour.
If you want to complete this game with complete stuff like item, equipment, etc maybe it's get longer than 50 hour.
Because Tales of abyss is addictive (for me), you'll never get borred.

>The animation is very good
The emotional scene between luke and asch and The rival between Tear and her brother makes tales of abyss became great.
Monster's animation is good and atractive

The conclusion is Tales of abyss is worth to play, especialy for Tales fanboy.