You loved the loved the other "tales of"... " ? Then yes, you'll love this one too.

User Rating: 8.1 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
The gameplay is great, the battles are in 2d from the left to the right, same as tales of legendia.

The graphics are pretty good too, the effects are well done and it really feels like *** anime. But it's not quite it... At least the loading is almost absent.

The musics are great. And the battle music are good too, so you're not complaining about the same fight music at all.

Personnally I put 8 because the story is really great and the battle system is the tales of legendia upgraded battle system. It's better than the other tales I played ( symphonia, legendia, etc.. ) but the real thing that's better is the story! Rent it 1st only if you never played a "tales of..." game 'cause if you liked the others this one if for you!