If Perfection isn't possible, this is a close as you can get, with over 80 Hours of game play and immense Replay Value..

User Rating: 10 | Tales of Symphonia GC
Tales of Symphomia was one of the first GameCube games I ever bought, can never remember why, but I never regretted buying it, In this review I will try to inform you just how great this game is without giving out too many Spoilers.

Story 10/10
This games storyline is an epic tale with twists and turns all the way through, nothing is what you expected, and just when you think it has become predicable? Something completely unexpected happens to throw all your guesses off track.

Graphics 10/10
I'm not really sure what to say about the graphics overall they are very nice Japanese and cel-shaded, all in 3D (fights, cut-scenes, exploring).

Combat System 10/10
The combat is great, easy to use, but neither to complicated or too simple, also the Unison Attacks add alot to fights, these are built up from Combo's then the whole group use their special attacks together.

Replay Value 10/10
This game can be played to death, I have completed 5 times (Nearly 400 Hours Game-play) and I'm still not satisfied, every battle you do, if it's done within a set time and against stronger monsters, you gain Grade, once you have completed the first play-through you can use Grade to make the next play-through harder (1/2 Experience), easier (2,10x Experience) or just more complete (Inherit information from Collector's Book and Inherit Monster Figurines).

Characters 10/10
All the characters have great voice-overs and you can almost make a connection with each one, they are characters you won't just forget, even if you sell the game.

Fights, Bosses and Side Quests 10/10
There are some great Bosses you fight along the way, most of them are at a nice difficulty were it isn't frustrating but you don't just fly past them with ease. The Side Quests also bring in some great bosses including 2 of the Longest and Most difficult in the game, one of which can take over 1 Hour to kill! Experience from fights are very fair and your characters will be level'd enough to just require a bit of grinding and then make the bosses a medium difficulty challenge. Just to top it, the non-fighting Side Quests are just as good, one includes rebuilding a fallen city and getting your own Statue put up!

Overall 10/10
This is a great JRPG with 100's of hours of fun and challenges, I would recommend this to anyone, especially people who enjoy Role-Playing Games.