The game is simple just like the SNES was back in the day. I have no hatred to this game seeing simple graphics.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tales of Phantasia GBA
Why so much hate? Put it this way I just bought it a couple days ago on October 10 of 07. The game has good spelling and puncuation. Think about it the SNES dident have enough power in making awesome graphics. But, still it did very well with the scenery and such. The world map is pretty simple but hey like I said before "power" anyway over all graphics were decent.

Now, lets talk about the game play the battle system is pretty simple but it does make up for the graphics. You can basically move around and attack unlike other RPGS such as FinalFantasy but dont get me wrong FinalFantasy takes it all the best series of RPGS EVER. Back to Phantasia, the characters have nice discriptions and can come in handy when you need them in battle such as "Mint" who heals whenever you need help considering some of the "Tales of ....... games" they dident always heal you when you needed them to.

Over all I give the game a "8.5" for decent graphics good gameplay and very well written out story line along with spelling and puncuation.