This is a fun and amazing game.

User Rating: 8.1 | Tales of Destiny (PlayStation the Best) PS
I truly cannot understand why the reviews of this game are so low. I will admit that graphically and sound wise this game is not as good as others that game out around the same time. However, it is an immensely pleasant game with an amazing story line that twists several times. Your characters are all unique and likeable and have their own reasons for being involved with the story line.

The levelling up system is also enjoyable because you gain more abilities gradually that change how you fight different characters.

The mini-games in this are also highly enjoyable and this game also utilizes many puzzles within itself that you must get through in order to complete the game. While some times frustrating it is a great deal of fun and satisfying to get through.

This game is far more fun that its Game Spot rating portrays it as. I have never regretted buying this game.