Fun in short bursts, but overall a flawed game.

User Rating: 6.9 | Taiko Drum Master (w/Taiko Controller) PS2
Taiko Drum Master (TDM) is a tough game to describe. It's a rhythm game, in the vein of Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero, but involves a tiny Taiko drum, which has basically two "buttons:" Hitting the center of the drum, and tapping the side, although you can do this on the left and right side, so you could make the case that there are four buttons, but the game never specifically makes you hit right or left.

The graphics of the game are ostensibly Japanese, and I've heard more than a few people complain about the "kiddie anime" look of the graphics...I feel this is an inaccurate description based on the misguided notion that all anime is for kids, but the weirdness of the graphics can be distracting...such as why the hell a bunch of fruits and animals are dancing around as you play inane pop songs.

Which brings us to what is perhaps the game's most glaring flaw: The song selection. The licensed pop songs are just that: Pop songs. And bad ones at that...who really wants to play drum (no only get one drum) to "Toxic" by Britney Spears? Well, some people might, but I most definitely do not. It is somewhat entertaining, albeit odd, to play some classical music pieces on the drum, but the only songs that really seemed to fit the mood of the game and the graphics were the handful of Japanese music track included in the game.

Overall, Taiko Drum Master can be fun if you and a friend each have a drum and you can play two player mode, and sometimes it can be fun for a short time playing alone (again, more fun if there are people to cheer/jeer), but overall the game seems to fall flat, both in gameplay and in song selection. Better luck next time (if there ever is a next time).