This game has a lot to offer and thankfully isn't very big in micromanagement.

User Rating: 9 | Sword of the Stars: Argos Naval Yard PC
I bought the original SotS when it came out, before the expansions. It was fun back then and is just way better now. I have only played games where I set the parameters, having not tried any of the condition-based settings yet.

The Argos Naval Yard expansion brings more tech to research. If you have never tried the game, you can pick up the complete version, which includes everything (game, both its expansions, and naval yard) and have a blast.

The game is quite challenging. It is very easy to get into a conflict with another faction quite early in the game. This may be frustrating for some, but can be quite riveting for others. What's the point if you always win? And sometimes you won't, but that's the fun! You can even get enveloped in multi-front wars and then it gets really crazy!

The game also has 'random events' or somesuch. Sometimes these big monstrous entities will roam the stars and can crush you like a bug. The challenge here is in defeating them. You can adjust the encounter percentage, even turning it off. I engaged one of these baddies in a game once and I was thoroughly trashed. I still enjoyed trying to stop the thing, though.

A great game, all in all. Thoroughly recommended.