Impressive and yet, dissappointing

User Rating: 6.5 | SWAT 4 PC
Okay so my friend and I got this game between us, looking for a fun game to play online together for the xmas holidays. When we installed this game, we were impressed since this game some years behind it, yet looks so good. The gameplay was also pretty cool, with loads of ways of completing the mission. But... it soon became very repetetive.

Various options let you complete the mission in many different ways. But after all, it's just the same procedure, in different levels. The fact that every time you play the level, enemies appear in different places makes the game a little more interesting. But not much. The game is always the same. Check with a gadget under the door, send your guys in, shout all the enemies inside, arrest them. Go to the next room. The same. Finally, you finish the level. Next. The same.

Pretty good. Reminds me of F.E.A.R in a way.

A lot of shouting and really funny moments in which all the team is shouting the same thing at a guy. And then another guy comes and they shout at him. Really funny.

+ Nice atmospheres in certain levels.
+ Good graphics (well... decent)

- Repetitive. (Extremely)
- One mistake and you're done for.
- Playing through LAN isnt very easy. You've got to play around with a couple of things on your computer first.

BTW: Spell check wasnt working properly at the time i wrote this review so... sorry.