Best 300 rubles I ever spent...

User Rating: 9 | SWAT 4 PC
I live in Russia and I love games here and I think they are better than American games because Russian industries make them with more passion and result with unique. But SWAT 4 was very fun to play especially for the fact it is so cheap in price. The game mechanics and functions are very great and how it works in general is absolutely stunning. Online is also very fun. I sometimes play in Russian server and it's like we are all Moscow OMON! Anyway, I think this game was very good, fun and brilliant which makes me think why aren't games like this produced today? I don't like a lot of the games today. I also want to try expansion pack Stetchkov because it has to do with Russian man but I can't find it anywhere :(

Thank you for reading.

I live in Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation. It is not cold all year and I never seen a bear on the street. Is this 800 words?