You'd be guilty not to play this game...

User Rating: 8.5 | SWAT 4 PC
SWAT 4 breaks the mold of a typical FPS games by giving the gamer, a solid tactical shooter that keeps you on your toes at all time and makes the player feel like they are actually part of a real SWAT team.

Graphically the game is superb from the detail of your own player's jacket to to the levels themselves. Considering that the game came out out in mid 2005, it holds up with most games that have preceded it but like all games, its not perfect and my only gripe is that the faces of the AI could be a little better and less generic looking.

Sound-wise, the game is decent but could be a lot better and for me this is the part of the game which needs the most work. The sound is not bad but the weapon fire is a little generic and the atmosphere could be a little stronger but noises like Flashbangs sound good and also comments you will hear from your team and the enemy are a nice touch.

Gameplay wise, SWAT 4 is strong, with a nice simple control system that gives you plenty of freedom on how you want to tackle a certain situation. The shooting is pretty good and the AI offers some good challenges though sometimes I feel the enemy is a little jerky sometimes with its shooting as it shoots sometimes before its gun is fully raised and still somehow hits you. Your team works very well though sometimes can be a little slow off the mark and can pay the price for that in the later levels.

The game offers good replay value as all missions can be played with friends in CO-OP mode and also every time you load up, people are in different places which makes sure the game does not become too boring. However the single player is pretty short and there is no real storyline behind it, which would of been nice but the stand alone missions are still very good to play over and over again. Sadly online play though is hit and miss with the focus being on arresting not killing and online I just don't think it works and some of the single player levels are not really ideally designed for multiplayer and feel's added just for the sake of not having to create new levels.

Overall despite a few minor flaws, SWAT 4 is one of the best FPS games on the market today and is a must buy for any fan of the tactical shooting genre.