Boyah! The SWAT saves the day!

User Rating: 9 | SWAT 4 PC
I must admit, Im a sucker for guys in flakvest, branding silenced Mp5's, sneakin' through corridors and executing by-the-book manouvers to take down the baddy. SWAT 4 is just easy enought to get started with enough thrill to make you want to try "just one more level" and just difficult enough to keep you from getting cocky!
Just like other games in the genre "REAL" FPS's, the "one hit one kill" is used here, thus making the "run-and-gun" tactics of Doom 3 obsolete. Every mission starts with a full audio/text briefing. you can choose weapons and equipment, and point of entry. you also get an audio of the 911 call, which is pretty cool. After each mission you get a de-brief and you get scores for taking down hostiles, rescuing hostages, securing weapons, keeping your teammates and yourself alive and unharmed. One funny thing about the debrief is, if you get killed, you automatically fails the mission (of course) but also you also get penalty points! If that isn't gravedancing, I don't know what is!
You get penalty points for incapacitating or killing hostiles, instead of neutralizing them (Harsh laungage and maze works wonders on most bad guys) . But when 5 Bogeys armed with machine guns, refuse to "GET DOWN or "DROP YOUR WEAPON" you have to take them down. Penalty.
From a gamers perspective, that can be quite frustrating. But, then you remember "this isn't Rainbow Six" this is just the police packing extra heat. A few broken things in SWAT 4 keeps it from getting 10 out of 10.
Graphics: When you arrest someone, you most tie their hands behind their backs, and the arms seems like their gonna come off. Kindy glitchy.
Sound: Hostages repeating themselves and several hostages giving the same respons, often overlapsing eachother, ruins the mood. The same goes with communication with HQ; you are forced to give notice whenever you shoot, kill, arrest someone, and every new message interupts and cuts short the previous one, and also the respons, so this makes for a lot of stakatto conversation. But all in all, SWAT 4 is a game you can play over and over, just to try to do it a little better each time. the game place your enemies randomly across the map each time you restart, and randomness is a good thing in Goblin's book. I recommend this game to everyone! Good fun and great replay value